
Sunday 1 February 2015

Pillows seem to be the thing at the moment!

Well, the weekend started slowly as my creativity seems to be still needing some motivation! Saturday evening came and I finally got up some energy to sew. It has been so hot through the day and night. We finally got a bit of rain in the early evening and being cooler, I decided to try make a cover for a pillow that my eldest asked me ages to sew. She bought the fabric and later saw some pretty ribbon to add to the pillow. It took a bit of thought and trying different ideas to incorporate the ribbon. Finally I sewed a row of pin tucks along the length of the fabric and added the ribbon onto two sections. At last - a pillow cover that she hopefully likes!!

Saturday 17 January 2015

Getting my creativity back - I hope!

I have been thinking of making a cute cushion to decorate my bed over the past few days. I searched Pinterest and found some amazing ideas.
I had just the fabric in mind - my favorite kind of blue. And then I remembered that I had some lace that my granny had given me years ago. After playing around a bit, I decided to add the lace in a straight line across the pillow and then applique my hearts on top.
I had ironed the fabric for my three hearts onto applique paper and cut them out. Placing them onto the cushion fabric, I ironed them on gently - did not want to damage my lace.

I also decided that I did not want to use satin or blanket stitch around the hearts but would be adventurous and try some other embroidery stitches that my wonderful Bernina machine has.

Next, I searched for some items to add to pretty up my cushion cover. Buttons? Bows? Ribbon? I love scratching through the boxes of buttons and have always done so since I can remember. My mom had a chocolate box filled with different buttons and I really loved looking at them all as a child. I found some gorgeous ones in my own boxes and sewed them onto my cushion. 
Lastly I sewed the cover together to create my cushion cover. I made an envelope back and sewed two buttonholes and two buttons on to make sure the back closes tightly. Voila! My gorgeous cushion cover finished.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Helping the Koalas.

I saw a post on Facebook about the need for mittens to be sewn to help the little Koalas who had their paws burnt in the recent fires in Australia. I decided to try make a few pairs to post to Australia to help these gorgeous animals. Animals are one of my passions and it is great that I could help in some way. I have added the link if anyone else is interested:

And a pic of my 6 sets of mittens:

Start the day right!

Went for a earlyish morning walk at Shakespear Regional Park this morning. It is such a beautiful day and the sheep and cows were in the same paddock as we were when walking up to the lookout point. Really love the fact that I can go for walks safely and in such amazing surroundings.

Saturday 10 January 2015


Still enjoying the holidays but one week left and then back to work! The weather is stunning and it is so wonderful to have summery days. I love the long evenings too but have not been motivated to do much sewing yet. I finished Ollie the Owl by Funky Friends Factory in one afternoon and my youngest daughter took a liking to him and has claimed him - renaming him Jeffrey! I really enjoyed making him but took a while to decide which fabrics to use. I think the second time will be easier. Tidied and sorted my sewing room today and am keen to make something now! What that item will be is the issue!! Anyway, here is a photo of handsome Jeffrey!

Thursday 1 January 2015

And a new year begins.

It is the first day of the new year - 2015. I cannot believe that I have finished my three years of studying and can get back into all those wonderful hobbies and things I enjoyed doing before the studies took over all my spare time. It has been an amazing journey and I absolutely love my work. It has taken a few weeks to feel like doing some sewing, reading and painting again but I am pretty excited to not have a limit to the time I get to do some of these things! As my mom said to me - "You have done ten years worth of reading over the last three years - no wonder you do not feel like reading yet!" I have decided to try a pattern from Funky Friends Factory - Ollie and Lollie The Laid Back Owls. I will post some updates on how my owl progresses.
Happy New Year and here's wishing that this is going to be a blessed and wonderful year for everyone.